Thomas E. Coghlan
Thomas Coghlan is a Clinical Psychologist specialized in Police & Public Safety Psychology, a retired NYPD Detective, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and a past Visiting Law Enforcement Fellow with the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Dr. Coghlan operates a private practice in Nassau County, New York where he exclusively treats law enforcement, other public safety and emergency response personnel, and their families in psychotherapy. He is currently the Program Director of the Master of Science in Forensic Psychology program at King Graduate School, Monroe University, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Forensic Psychology at John Jay College, CUNY. He serves as a First Responder Psychologist on federal contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and as a network clinician with the NYPD-affiliated Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance. Dr. Coghlan was an inaugural member of the DOJ / BJA National Consortium for the Prevention of Law Enforcement Suicide from 2019 to 2023, and sits on both the Professional Advisory Panel for the National Fraternal Order of Police Office of Wellness Services and the Advisory Board of the BJA National Suicide Awareness for Law Enforcement Officers (SAFLEO) program. As an independent contractor, he conducts both psychological pre-employment and fitness-for-duty evaluations for a variety of public safety agencies in New York and New Jersey. He is licensed to practice in NY, NJ and FL.